Amateur Radio - WAØMHJ 



File Recordings:
The VU7RG recording was supplied to me by the DXpedition.
It was a brief (15 min.) 80M Grayline opening.

FT5ZM has an amazing signal on 160 meters.
I worked them about 10 minutes before starting this recording.
(They were unreadable on my transmit antenna.)

My last country (#340)VK0EK caught me off guard so no recording.
I was able to capture my second to last needed -  XZ1J

Pursuing 5BWAZ, I worked  XW4ZW on 80M lonpath for #198.
Since then I have worked BG2AUE for #199, and JT5DX for #200!
Operating in the ARRL DX contest as VP5H ,this is the first appearance on 15M.

After the ARRL contest  VP5/WA0MHJ, working some 30M CW.
 15M CW with a +20dB signal,  3C0L ,is CW country # 335. (3C0AN QSO was too old for mode award.)

Nice signal 15 minutes before sunset,  SM3EVR , on 160M.
 T30GC signal on 160 meter CW on 10/12/19.

Glenn  - W0GJ at the helm of HK0NA on 80M SSB on 1/24/12.
 IO5O signal on 40M SSB with KA9FOX operating. 2022 ARRL DX Contest.   Three new multipliers in a row on 15M. Worked JW7QIA  , then found SJ2W and OA4SS. Operating the 2022 CQWW SSB DX Contest.
 signal on 160 meter CW on 11/23/22. Heard, but not hearing. :(

 A short recording of FT8WW  on 20CW. CW #337 for me.
Activation of WRTC SES station N0W  on 10M SSB. Easily the largest pile-up ever to come through my speakers!
  OA4O signal on 15M CW with NR0T operating. 2023 ARRL DX Contest. 

Operator Glenn, W0GJ at the microphone of CY9C on 15M SSB.
 Mount Athos on 40M CW SV1GA/a Will it count? Was my SSB #340.

© 2014 Mark Endorf, WA0MHJ, Ham Lake, MN
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Updated January 29, 2025