Amateur Radio - WAØMHJ 

 Welcome to my Ham Radio Page. If you followed a link from QRZ.COM and we have just worked, then TNX for the QSO!. If we have exchanged QSL's, TNX also! I QSL direct, via LOTW, ClubLog requests, bureau, and via eQSL.  eQSL requests sent with an account call sign that is different that the call used to make the QSO will not be checked for match, and therefore no confirmation. Please use the ClubLog QSL request if possible vs. sending a bureau card. I mail to outgoing bureau only twice per year, so be patient. After 50+ years I have no desire to collect more QSL cards. Digital image QSL's sent via e-mail are ignored and deleted. 

My primary interest and activities are DX'ing and contesting. I am currently active on 160 through 6 meters. I have been licensed and mostly active since 1968. I am a member of the Minnesota Wireless Association WØAA contest club (MWA), and the Twin City DX Association (TCDXA).

 Notable Events:

Worked SV1GA/a for #340 on SSB!

VK9CV cofirmation will make DXCC challenge 2600.

Added a picture showing the QSL that took the longest time to get. (40 years) 

Happy New Year! First QSO of the year was working FT8WW for CW #337.

Will be operating as N
ØW during month of January.

Entered first time ever as a distributed multi-multi in the ARRL DX SSB contest as W
ØAA. Only top ten entrant not on a coast.

First ever 
POTA activation. Enjoyable until the thunderstorms cut it short.


A confirmation from EP2ABS on LOTW allowed me to reach DXCC Challenge level 2500.


The long quest for 5BWAZ is over. Zone #200 (JT5DX on 80M) was the final zone, and award #1046 is on the wall!

September 3, 1968 I made my first QSO with W8MMV in Michigan on 40M CW. This year marks the anniversary of my 50 year journey in ham radio. Here are some DETAILS of how everything began.

In April, I received 5BWAZ certificate #1977 for confirmation of 199 zones.

I enjoyed having the opportunity to have Bill, AEØEE (one of the VKØEK OP's) present me the plaque for #1 Honor Roll. VKØEK was my last needed entity. Bill gave a presentation on the VKØEK operation at the May Twin City DX Assn. meeting.

Back for a 3rd time in VP5 for ARRL DX Phone operating with Glenn WØGJ and Ron NØAT. It was a close race but happy to see we achieved another world #1 finish!

As of Oct. 1,  all antenna projects are complete! I'm looking forward to a contest season & resuming some productive DX'ing. DETAILS 

Back again in the Turks & Caicos Islands for a full week, QRV as VP5H during the ARRL SSB DX Test, and as VP5/WA0MHJ after the DX Contest.

Enjoyed wonderful hospitality & operated a bit in the CQWW CW contest in Dallas at the QTH of Pete N5KD. 

I was in the Turks & Caicos Islands for a full week, QRV as VP5/WA0MHJ and VP5H during the ARRL SSB DX Test. We placed #1 in the world as the Multi-Single station entry.

I operated once again, multi with the KØIR group in CQWW RTTY.

CQWW PH this year was a multi operator effort witt KØXV & son Jason. DETAILS

For both the 2009 and 2010  CQWW RTTY, I had the pleasure of operating at the QTH of Ralph KØIR, in a Multi-2 operation.

In the CQ WPX CW, I was visited by Foster - N3KCJ, who happened to be in town, and we operated as a M/S. DETAILS

I was a 2008 host NU1AW/0 station for the IARU contest allowing Cal - K0DXC the majority of the operating for this event. Click HERE for the details. 

I had an exciting time operating as VP2MU, getting a 1st taste of being on the other side of the pile-up.

C.U. in the pile-ups or contests!!
73's - Mark
QSO Party Operation & Mobile Contesting

Sometime back around 2000, I got the idea to try something a little different by trying a portable operation during the Wisconsin QSO Party. Being in the outdoors seemed like a good change of pace from staring at the same radio, and the same desk I always sit at. My adventures were chronicled in the May 2007 NCJ . Erecting antennas in thigh deep snow, and operating in -20F temperatures led me to look for alternatives for the following years, and thus started my mobile adventures.

I operate mobile now with a Yaesu FT-450D and a Hustler mobile mount with a VP-1 tri-band adapter with resonators typically for 80, 40, and 20 meters. Antenna are mounted using a Breedlove #900 Stake pocket mount. Great products! Breedlove Mounts

Click here to ride along with a YouTube video clip. I have operated mobile in many Minnesota and Wisconson QSO parties, and once in North Dakota.

I am also the main log processing facilitator for the Minnesota QSO Party, performing this for the last 25 years.

Recent  QSO's & Confirmations
  • Recent QSO's:  SV1GA/A for new on PH, 17M, 30M
  • Recent QSO's:  YL3CW for new on 30M
  • Recent QSO's:  A62A for new on 30M
  • Recent QSO's:  EP5TJS for new on 30M
  • Recent QSO's:  FP5AC for new on 12M
  • Recent QSO's:  5N9DTG for new on 12M
  • Recent LOTW:  V73WW for new on 160M
  • Recent LOTW:  A35GC for new on 30M
  • Recent LOTW:  BV4VR for new on 30M
  • Recent LOTW:  VU4A for new on 80M, 30M
  • Recent LOTW:  8R1TM for new on 30M
  • Recent LOTW:  VR2ZXP for new on 30M
  • Recent LOTW:  .JG8NQJ/JD1 for new on 12M
  • Recent LOTW:  .
  • Recent QSL's:   3A/TK4TH for new on 10M
  • Recent QSL's:   4O4DB for new on 12M
  • Recent QSL's:   EP2C for new on 12M
VP5/WA0MHJ, WØAA and K0LD QSL Manager

All QSO's for both WØAA and KØLD for which I have logs have been uploaded to LOTW. They can be requested directly or via bureau also.
All contacts from VP5/WA0MHJ (2011, 2012 & 2014) have uploaded to LOTW and Club Log. QSL's can be requested directly.

9 band DXCC achieved!!!   9BDXCC, 7BWAZ, and 9BWAS are all in the books!

DX Code of ConductI support the DX Code of Conduct
© 2014 Mark Endorf, WA0MHJ, Ham Lake, MN
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Updated February 21, 2025