Amateur Radio - WAØMHJ


Station Information

QTH: Ham Lake, Minnesota                  Anoka County                            Grid Locator EN35kg

Primary Operating Position:  
Yaesu FTDX101D Tranciever
QRO  HF-2500DX Amplifier
Heil Pro-Set 4 Headphones
Bencher BY-1 Paddle

Secondary Operating Position:  
Yaesu FT-450D Transceiver. (This is also the mobile rig)
Timewave Navigator
Heathkit SB-220 modified for 
QSK operation.
Heil Traveler Headphones
Vibroplex Paddle

Array Solutions WX0B Six-Pak 2 x 6 Antenna Switch
MFJ-870 3KW Wattmeter
Astatic D-104
Microphone with the AMP-MICRO modification.
Heil BM-10 Headphones


100 foot Rohn 45 tower with 24 foot Chromoly mast turned by M2Inc. Orion 2800 rotor.
KLM KT-36XA @ 30M

20M - KT36XA

15M - KT36XA


Cushcraft 402-CD @ 32M   (The 402-CD antenna was strengthened per the article first published in Nov. 1991 QST. It is reprinted at )

40M - 402-CD  
80 Meter sloping dipoles NE and SE
Butternut HF2-V vertical with elevated radial system 
                 40M                        80M
160 Meter shunt fed tower. Details here 


Homebrew 30M vertical with elevated radial system
Homebrew  4 element 17M/12M open sleeve yagi @ 22M  (K4NR- Thomas Branch design)
KLM 50-7LD, 7 element 6M yagi antenna @ 6M. 

General logging using DX4WIN software. N1MM+ for contesting, WSJT-X and JT-Alert for digital modes.

Click on the thumbnails below for station pictures.

Primary Station
(see description above)
2nd Station
(see description above)
(see description above)
Mid 1980's Antenna
(4 el. Cubex Quad)
Cubex & Tower
succumb to wind
 Mid 1990's Station
(Drake C-line)
  1971 Station
(Galaxy 5MK3, & other.)
1971 Antenna
(4 el Hombrew 20M)
station0z.JPG station2z.JPG Newantenna.jpg (2207508 bytes)
 Newantenna.jpg (2207508 bytes)
Cubex Down OldStation.jpg (2207508 bytes) Galaxy5MK3 4 elemnt 20M       

© 2014 Mark Endorf, WA0MHJ, Ham Lake, MN  
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Updated August 10, 2024